Do you dread that morning alarm? Or are you waking too early?
Have you spent all night tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable or shut out the “noise” in your head long enough to fall asleep?
Do you wake up and then have trouble falling back asleep? Are you having trouble staying awake at work?
More than 70 million Americans are affected by sleeplessness or have sleep difficulty. Sufferers typically complain of being unable to close their eyes or 'rest their mind' for more than a few minutes at a time.
Sleep difficulties has been on the NeuroScience, Inc. priority list because of its strong interconnectedness to other problems. We understand that without a restful night’s sleep, vicious cycles can begin leading to fatigue, performance, and mood disruptions. We want to break those cycles and focus on getting you back to your natural rhythm.
Sleep is a complex neurological chain of events. Many neurotransmitters, hormones and cytokines are necessary at certain levels to achieve sleep, AND just as many can prevent us from attaining a good night’s sleep. NeuroScience, Inc. has been able to help many of their customers battle their sleep difficulties.
Scientific research suggests that imbalances in any one of the many neurotransmitters, hormones, and cytokines involved in the sleep process may lead to sleep disturbances. Neurotransmitters, hormones, and cytokines can be measured, and with this information, your doctor can recommend the best program for you. If you are having trouble getting the sleep you need, ask us how NeuroScience, Inc. can help you.
Sleep Difficulty Issues
12413 Old Meridian St.
Carmel, IN 46032
Phone: 317-575-8820
Fax: 3175758828
Office Hours